Category: Faculty and staff

  • UMBC cybersecurity expert on reports of state-sponsored cyber espionage and hacking

    The week the PBS-distributed Nightly Business Report aired a story on international cyber espionage that featured UMBC's Richard Forno, Associate director of the UMBC Center for Cybersecurity. The piece, Washington Trade-Secret Theft Enforcement Weighs on Shareholders, discussed how cyber attacks are being used by foreign companies with the help of their governments to steal trade…

  • App-ademics: Dr. Banerjee's Intro to Mobile Computing course teaches Smartphone app development

    Word count: 0 Last edited by anissa1 on February 18, 2013 at 7:03 pm Preview Status: Draft Edit Visibility: Public Edit Publish immediately Edit Move to Trash All Categories Most Used Faculty and staff Teaching Innovation Alumni Articles Baltimore Chair’s notes CSEE Computer Engineering Computer Science Cybersecurity Electrical Engineering Engineering Management Game track Systems Engineering…

  • Dr. desJardins and team win Hrabowski Innovation grant for ACTIVE

    It was a case of lab envy that inspired professor Marie desJardins to dream up ACTIVE, the new dynamic laptop lab that will sprout up in the Engineering/Computer Science building next fall. The culprit? CASTLE, the Active Science Teaching and Learning Environment created by the College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences in 2010 (pictured below).…

  • Meet new CSEE Lecturer, Dr. Sadeghian

    New Computer Science Lecturer, Pedram Sadeghian, always knew that teaching was for him. It was figuring out what to teach that was the challenge. Dr. Sadhegian studied Psychology as an undergraduate. It wasn’t until after college, when—out of curiosity—he took a class in C programming, that he fell in love with the subject. “I liked…

  • CSEE Department welcomes Don Engel as Affiliate Assistant Professor

    The CSEE department welcomes Dr. Don Engel as an Affiliate Assistant Professor. Dr. Engel currently works as UMBC’s Assistant Vice President for Research, where he manages prospective internal and external research partnerships. “I believe this [new appointment] will make me better at my core duties by putting me in the same situations that UMBC students,…

  • Cindy Greenwood joins CWIT as Assistant Director, Cyber Scholars Program coordinator

    The Center for Women in Technology (CWIT) welcomes Cindy Greenwood as their new Assistant Director. Ms. Greenwood will spearhead the new Cyber Scholars Program which kicks off this fall. Cindy Greenwood loved college so much that she never wanted to leave. So she didn’t.   When an Advertising and Public Relations internship during her senior…

  • CSEE Alumni Donald Miner and Adam Shook publish book on MapReduce

    UMBC Computer Science Alumni Donald Miner (BS ’06, PhD ’10) (left) and Adam Shook (BS ’09, MS expected ’13) (right) have written a book on the popular MapReduce paradigm that has revolutionized the way collections of computers are used to process large amounts of data in parallel. Their book, MapReduce Design Patterns Building Effective Algorithms…

  • CSEE professor Kargupta and co-authors win IEEE 10-Year Highest-Impact Paper Award

    On December 12, CSEE professor Hillol Kargupta will receive the 10-year Highest-Impact Paper Award from the IEEE International Data Mining Conference (ICDM) in Brussels, Belgium. The winning paper—“On the Privacy Preserving Properties of Random Data Perturbation Techniques”—discusses privacy-preserving data mining and it also received the 2003 ICDM Best Paper Award. It is co-authored by former…

  • Sherman and Dykstra invited to give keynote presentation at IDGA forensics conference

    CSEE professor Dr. Alan Sherman and his Ph.D. advisee Josiah Dykstra have been invited to give the keynote address at the Institute for Defense and Government Advancement’s (IDGA) Forensic Enabled Intelligence Summit. Scheduled to be held in Washington D.C. in April 2013, the conference is one of the IDGA’s most anticipated government technology summits of…

  • CSEE Professor Tim Oates named Oros Family Professor of Computer Science and Technology

    Dr. Oates is a Professor of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at UMBC. He is the Principal Investigator of UMBC’s Cognition, Robotics, and Learning (CoRaL) Lab, where he pursues research in the broad areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, and natural language processing.   Congratulations to Dr. Tim Oates, named an Oros Family Professor…