Category: Electrical Engineering

  • 2012 Google Summer of Code program announced

    If you have good programming skills and are looking for an interesting alternative to the usual summer internship, you might check out the Google Summer of Code program. It pays student developers $5000 stipends to write code for various open source projects over the summer. Over the past seven years, it's brought together over 6,000…

  • talk: Rutledge on multichannel amplitude compression for speech processing, 11/18

    EE Graduate Seminar Time-Varying Amplitude Compression Processing to Preserve and Enhance Spectral Contrast in Speech Signals Dr. Janet C. Rutledge Dean, UMBC Graduate School Vice-Provost for Graduate Education Affiliate Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering 11:30-12:45 Friday, 18 November 2011, ITE 231 Multichannel amplitude compression processing is used to reduce the level variations of speech to fit…

  • Talk: Stochastic Graph Grammars, Oates, 11/11/11

    EE Graduate Seminar Stochastic Graph Grammars Prof. Tim Oates Associate Professor of Computer Science Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, UMBC 11:30am Friday November 11, ITE 231, UMBC Many important domains are naturally described relationally, often using graphs in which nodes correspond to entities and edges to relations. Stochastic graph grammars compactly represent probability distributions over…

  • talk: Functional Brain Circuits, nAChR Genes, and Smoking, 11:30am Fri 11/4

    EE Graduate Seminar Functional Brain Circuits, nAChR Genes, and Smoking Dr. Elliot Hong Director, Brain Imaging Center Associate Professor Maryland Psychiatric Research Center University of Maryland School of Medicine 11:30am-12:45pm Friday, 4 Nov 11, ITE 231 About 20% of the US population smokes cigarettes. Smoking is influenced by genetic and environmental factors and mental illnesses.The…

  • talk: Detection of Chemical, Biological and Explosive Materials, 11:30am Fri 10/21

    EE Graduate Seminar Detection and Classification of Chemical, Biological, and Explosive Materials: A Brief Overview of Several Cutting-Edge Problem Areas Darren Emge PI and Deputy Branch Chief Laser Standoff Detection Branch US Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center 11:30am-12:45pm Friday, 21 October 11, ITE 231 The detection and classification of chemical, biological, and explosive (CBE) materials…

  • talk: Optical Sensors for Biotechnology & Bioengineering

    EE Graduate Seminar Optical Sensors for Biotechnology and Bioengineering Yordan Kostov, PhD Research Associate Professor UMBC Center for Advanced Sensor Technology 11:30am-12:45pm, Friday 14 October 2011, ITE 231 Interaction of the light with the matter is one of the fundamental interactions in the nature. It is used in a variety of fields, stretching from telecommunications…

  • talk: Intelligent Agents in the OntoAgent Cognitive Architecture

    EE Graduate Seminar Intelligent Agents in the OntoAgent Cognitive Architecture Professor Sergei Nirenburg Director, Institute for Language and Information Technologies Computer Science and Electrical Engineering University of Maryland, Baltimore County 11:30am-12:45pm Friday 30 September 2011, ITE 231 OntoAgent is a constantly evolving cognitive architecture that facilitates development of and experimentation with artificial intelligent agents (ontoagents).…

  • Henry Sienkiewicz on Cloud Computing in the Government

      UMBC CSEE Colloquium Cloud Computing Henry J. Sienkiewicz Chief Information Officer Defense Information Systems Agency 11:30-12:30 Friday, 16 September 2011 Room 231, ITE Building Mr. Henry Sienkiewicz will discuss the opportunities and challenges for using cloud computing in government agencies. Henry J. Sienkiewicz is the Chief Information Officer for the Defense Information Systems Agency.…

  • POSTPONED: talk: Nonlinear Optical Signal Processing in Optical Fibers and Waveguides

    CSEE Graduate Seminar Nonlinear Optical Signal Processing in Optical Fibers and Waveguides Dr. Gary M. Carter Professor of Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Electrical Engineering University of Maryland, Baltimore County 1-2pm Friday, 16 September, 2011, ITE 227 postponed until later in the Fall Advances in optical fiber and semiconductor technology have progressed to the degree…

  • talk: Analysis of Brain Network Connectivity in fMRI Data using Spatial Dependence

    EE Graduate Seminar Analysis of Brain Network Connectivity in fMRI Data using Spatial Dependence Sai Ma EE PhD Candidate, CSEE Dept, UMBC 11:30-12:45 Friday 9 September 2011, ITE 231 Due to low invasiveness and high spatial resolution, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become popular in neuroimaging field to determine where activity occurs in brain…