Category: Electrical Engineering

  • Microsoft at UMBC Tue 9/6 to discuss internship and full-time positions

    Microsoft will be on campus to meet with undergraduate and graduate students interested in internship and full-time positions in the Seattle area. Interested students should come to the the Skylight Room in the Commons between 6:30 and 7:30pm on Tuesday September 6. There are opportunities for Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Systems…

  • New CSEE graduate student orientation, 9am Thr 8/25

    The CSEE department will hold an orientation session for new graduate students in its Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering programs at 9:00am Thursday August 25 in Lecture Hall 8 (ITE 102). Here is the schedule. 09:00-09:30am Registration 09:30-09:45am Welcome, CSEE Department Chair Dr. Gary Carter 09:45-10:15am Success Strategies, Dr. Tim Finin 10:15-10:45am CSEE…

  • Microsoft graduate fellowship programs

    Microsoft has two generous graduate fellowship programs that are open to full-time students in all three of the core CSEE graduate programs: Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering. These will provide support starting with the 2012-13 academic year and have application deadlines of October 6, 2011. The nominations come from the University, must be…

  • Talk: Smart Grid Demand Response, 4pm Wed 8/17

    Demand Response; What is it and What are the Business Opportunities? Dr. Bjorn Frogner 4:00pm Wednesday, 17 August 2011 Maryland Clean Energy Technology Incubator UMBC South Campus Bjorn will discuss the aspect of the Smart Grid called Demand Response (DR). DR is where the action is in the Smart Grid. Implementation of DR is made…

  • Attack of the patent trolls

    This week’s story on This American Life, When Patents Attack, is a good introduction to how the patent system is being used and abused, especially in the software industry. I listened to it today and got new insights into a complex problem. It will be aired on WYPR (88.1) at 4:00pm Sunday and available for…

  • Perks help tech startups attract and retain employees

    While you can find a treehouse to rent using Airbnb, they also have a mockup of one for their employees to chill in. Last week’s Wall Street Journal had a story, The Perk Bubble Is Growing as Tech Booms Again, on how technology companies compete for employees by offering more and more extravagant perks. “Here…

  • MS defense: Gas Detection and Concentration Estimation via Mid-IR-based Gas Detection System Analysis Model

    MSEE Thesis Defense On Gas Detection and Concentration Estimation via Mid-IR-based Gas Detection System Analysis Model Yi Xin 2pm Monday, 6 June 2011, ITE 325 Due to recent development in laser technology and infrared spectroscopy, Laser-based spectroscopy (LAS) has been used in a wide range of research and application fields. A particular application of interest…

  • Equation Modeling in Resting State Motor Network in Healthy Subjects, MS defense, Tejaswini Kavallappa

    MSEE Thesis Defense Reliability of Structural Equation Modeling in Examining Resting State Motor Network in Healthy Subjects Tejaswini Kavallappa 3pm Monday, 16 May 2011, ITE 325 Resting state connectivity studies are of growing significance and interest in the current neuroimaging literature due to their potential in explaining various underlying brain mechanisms and, therefore, their utility…

  • CSEE Research Review awards and pictures

    2011 CSEE Research Review photos · program · posters · location · call for papers The 2011 research review event was the largest to date, with more than eighty people attending. You can see pictures from the poster session and some of the presentations online. The CRR-11 program committee selected students for best research based on…

  • Complex-valued Adaptive Signal Processing: Applications in Medical Imaging

    EE Graduate Seminar Complex-valued Adaptive Signal Processing: Applications in Medical Imaging Prof. Tulay Adali Machine Learning for Signal Processing Laboratory CSEE Dept/UMBC 1-2pm Friday, 29 April 2011, ITE 237 Complex-valued signals arise frequently in applications as diverse as communications, radar, geophysics, optics, and biomedicine, as most practical modulation formats are of complex type and applications…