Category: Cybersecurity
online talk: Opal Hard Drives for Ransomware Resilience
The UMBC Cyber Defense Lab presents Opal Hard Drives for Ransomware Resilience Russ Fink, Ph.D.Senior Staff, the Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory 12:00–1 pm, Friday, 10 April 2020via WebEx: Ransomware is crippling industry and government alike. Paying the ransom doesn’t guarantee you’ll get your files back, but it funds the criminals who…
Prof. Naghmeh Karimi receives NSF CAREER award for research on the security of cryptographic chips
Investigating the Impact of Device Aging on the Security of Cryptographic Chips Professor Naghmeh Karimi received a prestigious NSF CAREER award to support her research on Investigating the impact of device aging on the security of cryptographic chips. CAREER awards are among NFS’s most prestigious awards and are intended to support early-career faculty…
UMBC Cyber Dawgs win 15th Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition
The UMBC CYber Dawgs have won the 15th Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition and will advance to the national finals.
Online Talks Double Feature: Blockchain and Network Defense, 12-2 Fri 3/27, UMBC
UMBC will hold a double feature with two online security-oriented talks from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm EDT on Friday, March 27. Both talks will be shared via Webex. From 1:00-2:00 pm, Professor Dr. John Mitchell of Stanford University will give a Lockheed Martin Distinguished lecture on “Will Blockchain Change Everything“. Join the presentation online…
Webex talk: John Mitchell: Will Blockchain Change Everything? Fri 3/27 1-2pm
Prof. John Mitchell of Stanford will talk about the potential and challenges of blockchain via webex 1-2pm Friday, March 27
Webex Talk: Hard-Learned Lesson in Defense of a Network, 12-1 Fri 3/27
Col. Dan Yaroslaski will talk about a “Hard-Learned Lesson in Defense of a Network” via WebEx 12-1, Friday March 27
talk: Autonomous Agents, Deep Learning, and Graphs for Cyber Defense, 12-1 Fri. 3/13
Dr. Hasan Cam (Army Research Laboratory) talks about research on using autonomous agents, deep Learning, and graphs for cyber defense, 12-1 pm Friday, March 13, ITE 227, UMBC
talk: Hardware Security Kernel for Managing Memory and Instruction Execution, 12pm Fri 2/28
Dr. Patrick Jungwirth (Army Research Lab) will talk on protecting systems from hardware-level exploits that can bypass protections provided by software-based separation kernels.
talk: Shawn Blanton (CMU); Designing Secure Hardware Systems, 1pm Fri 2/7; Commons 329
Prof. Shawn Blanton of CMU talks on Designing Secure Hardware Systems, 1-2 Fri Feb 7 at UMBC, as part of the Lockheed Martin Distinguished Speaker series.
JHU/APL CIRCUIT internship program information session, 3pm Fri 1/31
There will be a special information session on the JHU/APL CIRCUIT internship program from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm on Friday, 31 January 2020 in room ITE 459.