Category: Cybersecurity

  • Modern Threat Environment and the Impact of Technology Shifts

    Cybersecurity Lecture Modern Threat Environment and the Impact of Technology Shifts Neal Ziring Information Assurance Technical Director National Security Agency 6-7pm Tuesday 20 September 2011 in ITE 102 (LH 8) Neal Ziring will give a special guest lecture in CYBR620 (Introduction to Cybersecurity) on the modern threat environment and the impact of shifts in technology,…

  • Henry Sienkiewicz on Cloud Computing in the Government

      UMBC CSEE Colloquium Cloud Computing Henry J. Sienkiewicz Chief Information Officer Defense Information Systems Agency 11:30-12:30 Friday, 16 September 2011 Room 231, ITE Building Mr. Henry Sienkiewicz will discuss the opportunities and challenges for using cloud computing in government agencies. Henry J. Sienkiewicz is the Chief Information Officer for the Defense Information Systems Agency.…

  • Microsoft at UMBC Tue 9/6 to discuss internship and full-time positions

    Microsoft will be on campus to meet with undergraduate and graduate students interested in internship and full-time positions in the Seattle area. Interested students should come to the the Skylight Room in the Commons between 6:30 and 7:30pm on Tuesday September 6. There are opportunities for Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Information Systems…

  • President Freeman Hrabowski on UMBC's Cybersecurity Strategy

    UMBC President Freeman Hrabowski was recently interviewed by The Daily Record on UMBC's educational and research programs in cybersecurity and their importance to the region and nation. "We anticipate significant growth in this area over the next five years as the nation continues to stand up our cybersecurity resources. In addition, cybersecurity has implications for…

  • Google describes challenges in detecting Web-based malware

    A new Google technical report, Trends in Circumventing Web-Malware Detection documents that it has become difficult to identify malicious Web sites as antivirus software is becoming less effective against them. The researchers analyzed four years' worth of data from 160 million Web pages using its Safe Browsing service, which warns users when they attempt to…

  • Final MDC3 cyber challenge team registration session 9/7

    The Maryland Cyber Challenge and Conference (MDC3) will provide an opportunity for students and professionals to network in a fun environment while participating in exciting games and learning about computer safety and cybersecurity skills. MDC3 teams of up to six players will compete in one of three categories: high school, college and university, and industry…

  • Teens prepare for cybersecurity careers at CCBC camp

    The Community College of Baltimore County this month held a five-day cybersecurity camp for teenagers who may be on track to becoming cyber experts. Twenty-two students from Baltimore and Howard counties took part in the camp, which was intended to get high school students interested in security, and to consider pursuing college degrees or entry-level…

  • Maryland's cybersecurity portfolio

    The Washington Post had a recent story on how Maryland is positioning itself to take advantage of increased interest in cybersecurity, Maryland sees its moment in cybersecurity. The article discusses the cybersecurity incubator in UMBC’s research Park. “The state has had no trouble attracting well-known contractors — many of whom are based in Northern Virginia.…

  • Maryland Cyber Challenge Team Registration and Orientation Session

    Registration for the Maryland Cyber Challenge and Conference (MDC3) is now open. MDC3 will provide an opportunity for students and professionals to network in a fun environment while participating in exciting games and learning about computer safety and cybersecurity skills. MDC3 teams up to six players who will compete in one of three categories: high…

  • Cybersecurity Webinar, 1pm Thur June 9

    Dr. Rick Forno will discuss UMBC’s Cybersecurity programs and give updated details about the upcoming Maryland Cyber Challenge at a UMBC Cybersecurity Webinar at 1:00pm on Thursday June 9. The webinar will describe the UMBC Cybersecurity programs, covering: Master of Professional Studies and graduate certificate program details Innovative curriculum highlights Convenient and flexible class schedules…