Category: Cybersecurity
Using data visualization techniques to support digital forensics
UMBC Cyber Defense Lab Research Meeting Using data visualization techniques to support digital forensics Tim Leschke 11:00am-12:15pm, Friday, Feb 3, 2012 ITE Room 228 Digital forensic examiners explore large datasets in search of evidence of a crime. In order to keep pace with the growing amount of data that is subject to a forensic examination,…
Cyber Challenge Hones Students’ Cyber Skills
Tyler Campbell, Nick Ducq, Ryan King, Andrew Nguyen and Tim Spillman walked out of the Baltimore Convention Center elated. Their team, the Sherwood Cyber Warriors, had just won the high school division of the inaugural Maryland Cyber Challenge. Their success netted them each a $5,000 scholarship from the National Security Agency. The entire experience was…
UMBC team places second in the DARPA Shredder Challenge
Just over a month ago, DARPA announced The Shredder Challenge competition to develop a system to solve puzzles by reassembling images of shredded documents with a $50,000 prize for the winning entry. Yesterday the prize was won by All Your Shreds Are Belong to U.S., a San Francisco-based team that was the first to correctly…
Summer research in cybersecurity and trustworthy systems
The Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology (TRUST) will sponsor 20 undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds and cultures, to participate in the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience located at TRUST partner campuses: UC Berkeley, Cornell University, Stanford University, Vanderbilt University. These students will work with graduate student and faculty mentors throughout the summer performing research…
talk: Cyber Security Situation Awareness and Impact Assessment, 10:30am Tue 11/8
Cyber Security Situation Awareness and Impact Assessment: Issues, Models and Applications Dr. Gabriel Jakobson Altusys Corporation, Princeton NJ 10:30-11:30am 8 November 2011, ITE 325 Cyber attacks committed against IT networks and services have profound impact both on ongoing mission and future missions, whose operations are based on these networks and services. The attacks, by exploiting…
Remotegrity: First Voter-Verifiable Internet Voting for Public Office
Some of this text was adapted from a press release and a post from the Scantegrity blog UMBC Professor Alan Sherman, UMBC alumnus Rick Carback (Ph.D. 2010) and many former and current UMBC students helped to develop Scantegrity, an an open source election verification technology for optical scan voting systems. In 2009, their Scantegrity II…
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
This October is the the eighth annual National Cyber Security Awareness Month sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security in cooperation with the National Cyber Security Alliance and the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center. According to the DHS, cyber threats present some of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face, not…
Maryland Cyber Challenge and Conference
The Maryland Cyber Challenge & Conference (MDC3) will be held on Friday and Saturday, October 21-22 at the Baltimore Convention Center. See the Web site for the schedule and to register. The MDC3 is open to anyone who’s interested in advancing, studying or working in the field of cybersecurity, including IT and cybersecurity professionals, corporate…
An Evening With General Michael Hayden, USAF (Ret.), 6pm 10/27, ITE 102
Cybersecurity Guest Lecture An Evening With General Michael Hayden, USAF (Ret.) 6:00-8:00pm Thursday, 27 Oct. 2011 Room 102, Information Technology and Engineering UMBC is proud to announce this opportunity for students and faculty to meet with General Hayden to hear his perspectives and discuss current issues regarding cybersecurity. The evening is sponsored by Next Century…
Take the NSA Cryptochallenge, 11-5 Friday 9/30, The Commons
NSA will be at the Commons for this year's CryptoChallenge competition. Stop by and test your skills against their cryptographic brain teasers and maybe score some great giveaways. Join them for some friendly competition from 11:00am to 5:00pm on Friday 30 September at the Commons Outside Terrace or Main Street if it rains. Bring your…