Category: Cybersecurity

  • How LinkedIn should have protected your password

    In his column in the latest issue of ACM Queue, LinkedIn Password Leak: Salt Their Hide, security expert Poul-Henning Kamp, explains the flaws in LinkedIn's password management process and the simple steps that can make it much more secure.

  • Flame spy malware infiltrating Middle East computers

    Russia-based anti-virus firm Kaspersky Labs has described a new cyber attack toolkit dubbed Flame (Worm.Win32.Flame) which they describe as "what might be the most sophisticated cyber weapon yet." Their analysis suggests that Flame is a state-supported effort rather than one created by hacktivists or cybercriminals. "Flame shares many characteristics with notorious cyber weapons Duqu and Stuxnet:…

  • Privacy Engineering

    We've starting to see advertisements for a new kind of position: privacy engineer. If you've seen the classic movie, The Graduate, you'll remember the conversation that recent college graduate Benjamin Braddock has with a friend of his father, who says "I just want to say one word to you. Just one word. … Are you…

  • UMBC Cyberdawgs are recruiting

    UMBC's Cyber Defense Team is looking for new members. This semester the team competed in the Collegiate Cyber Defense Championship. In this competition, each team defended a mock corporate network against a horde of professional hackers in a fast-paced, real-time event over the course of two days. These competitions are a great way to network…

  • talk: Securing Cyber-Physical Systems, 3/26

    1pm 3/26: Dr. Alvaro A. Cárdenas of Fujitsu Laboratories of America will talk about his research on Securing Cyber-Physical Systems at 1:00pm on Monday, 16 March 2012 in room 325b of the ITE building at UMBC.

  • talk: Analytics for Detecting Web and Social Media Abuse

    1pm Fri 3/16: Dr. Justin Ma of UC Berkeley will talk about his research on developing analytic techniques to detect malicious Web sites and social media abuse. 1:00pm Friday March 16, 2012 at UMBC in room 325b of the ITE building.

  • Cyberdawgs make it to CyberWatch regional competition

    The UMBC’s Cyber Defense club, the Cyberdawgs, will be one of eight schools vying for the win at the CyberWatch Mid-Atlantic Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition Regional Finals. The competition, the first of its kind to focus on the operational aspects of protecting and managing an existing “commercial” network infrastructure, will take place at the Johns…

  • talk: Self-sustainable Cyber-physical System Design

    1pm Tue 3/13: Dr. Nilanjan Banerjee (U. Arkansas Fayetteville) talks about his research on designing a Hierarchical Power Management paradigm that combines platforms with varied energy needs to balance energy consumption and functionality, the design of an efficient harvester for sound scavenging, and sensitive ECG sensors at 1:00pm on Tuesday March 13 in ITE325b at…

  • talk: Using Static Analysis to Diagnose Misconfigured Open Source Systems Software

    1pm Mon 3/5: Ariel Rabkin of UC Berkeley talks about his research on Using Static Analysis to Diagnose Misconfigured Open Source Systems Software at 1:00pm on Monday March 5 in ITE 325b, UMBC.

  • Stripe capture the flag wargame

    Stripe, a San Francisco startup with an online-payment system, is hosting a simple online cybersecurity capture the flag (CTF) challenge. See their blog post for the details. “The hardest part of writing secure code is learning to think like an attacker. For example, every programmer is told to watch out for SQL injections, but it’s…