Category: Cybersecurity

  • Event: Wanted, One Million IT Security Specialists by 2018

    Students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to join CWIT and  STEMRules for a lunch event to hear from and network with diverse professionals from across the cybersecurity industry. Wanted: One Million IT Security Specialists by 2018 You Could be One of Them 12-1:30pm Friday, 2 December 2016 Albin O. Kuhn Library Gallery (1st floor) Lunch…

  • talk: Dr. Phyllis Schneck (DHS) on The Need for Speed in Cybersecurity

    CHMPR Distinguished Lecturers Series The Need for Speed Dr. Phyllis A. Schneck Deputy Under Secretary of Cybersecurity Department of Homeland Security 3:30pm Thursday, 1 December 2016, UC 310 3:00pm Coffee, tea, and cookies As computers get faster, they change the world. Processors get smaller, the number of devices with processors gets bigger, and the amount…

  • talk: Mobile Security Architectures, Threats & Mitigation, 6-8pm Tue 11/15

    Mobile Security Architectures, Threats and Mitigation Joshua Franklin, NIST 6:00-8:00pm Tuesday, 15 November 2016 Building III Room 2226, UMBC@Universities at Shady Grove directions Cellular technology plays an increasingly large role in society as it has become the primary portal to the internet for a large segment of the population. One of the main drivers making…

  • talk: Engineering Plaintext Private Information Retrieval Systems, 1pm Fri 4/11, UMBC

    The UMBC CSEE Seminar Series Presents Practical Engineering of Plaintext Private Information Retrieval Systems Dr. Russell Fink Chief Engineer, Cyber Operations Branch, Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory 1-2pm Friday, 4 November 2016, ITE 229 Cloud computing has come a long way in the last decade, with many advances in supported platforms, security, and…

  • Six new SFS cybersecurity scholars to join UMBC in 2017

    Six new cybersecurity scholars were inducted into UMBC’s NSF-sponsored Scholarship for Service program in an event held in Germantown on October 20. Three are currently students at Montgomery College and three are from Prince Georges Community College. After they complete their associates degree in spring 2017, they will transfer to UMBC to complete their undergraduate…

  • talk: Understanding Ambiguity in Privacy and Security Requirements, 11:15 Fri 11/4 ITE229

    The UMBC Cyber Defense Lab presents Regulatory Compliance Software Engineering: Understanding Ambiguity in Privacy and Security Requirements Aaron Massey Department of Information Systems University of Maryland, Baltimore County 11:15am-12:30pm Friday, 4 November  2016, ITE 229 Software engineers building software systems in regulated environments must ensure that software requirements accurately represent obligations described in laws and…

  • Online discussion with NGC: Building the Cyber Workforce, 10am Fri Oct 28

    Today’s cybersecurity industry is expected to grow by almost $100 billion dollars by 2020. That means that there will be an unprecedented number of jobs to fill to meet the demand and keep to our economic and national security intact. Job postings for cybersecurity positions have increased 74%  in the past five years, with a…

  • Prof. Anupam Joshi comments on recent DDoS attack on MPT show

    CSEE Prof. Anupam Joshi was interviewed on MPT’s Direct Connection about the recent massive distributed denial of service attack that was launched from a botnet from compromised IoT devices. The attack disrupted access to many popular Internet sites, including Twitter, Netflix, Amazon and PayPal. Dr. Joshi discussed the mechanism that used and what can be…

  • Tim Finin in the shark tank at AFCEA DC’s Cybersecurity Summit

    CSEE faculty member Tim Finin was a judge in the Shark Tank event held at the AFCEA-DC’s 7th Annual Cybersecurity Summit on 11 October 2016. The summit is held each year by the DC chapter of AFCEA, the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association. In the two shark tank session, cyber entrepreneurs presented their ideas…

  • talk: Credibility, Privacy and Policing on Online Social Media, 1pm Fri 10/14, UMBC

    Prof. Ponnurangam Kumaraguru (IIIT, Delhi) will talk on Credibility, Privacy and Policing on Online Social Media at 1:00pm Friday, 14 October 2016, in ITE 229 at UMBC