Category: Computer Engineering

  • Designing & developing effective mobile applications demos, 11:30-2:30 May 11, UMBC

    Image by Marlayna Demond ’11 for UMBC: Michael Bishoff explains the PhotoDrop app to visitors at the 2016 demo presentation of the projects from the interdisciplinary course “Designing and Developing Effective Mobile Applications.”   UMBC students will demonstrate collaborative mobile computing projects developed in integrated classes offered by Computer Science and Fine Arts. The demonstrations…

  • 2017 Maryland Computing Education Summit, Thur. April 27, CCBC

      Are you interested in K-12 computing education in Maryland?  Would you like to learn more about what’s happening across the state to increase access to computing education for all students (PreK-20)?  If so, please consider registering for the 2017 Maryland Computing Education Summit on Thursday, April 27th.  This event, which will be held at…

  • UMBC Prof. Tinoosh Mohsenin receives NSF CAREER Award for Deep Learning Technologies

    Tinoosh Mohsenin, assistant professor of computer science and electrical engineering, has received a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to advance her research on energy efficient implementation of deep learning technologies and machine learning algorithms that are developed to function similarly to the brain. Her award totals $475,104 over five years. Mohsenin’s research…

  • Free screening: CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap, 3-5 Fri 3/31, UMBC

    Join the UMBC Computer Science Education Club and the Center for Women in Technology for a free screening of the award winning film, CODE: Debugging the Gender Gap. The documentary exposes the dearth of American female and minority software engineers and explores the reasons for this gender gap. CODE raises the question: what would society gain…

  • talk: Phase synchrony in heart-brain interactions predicts personality and emotions, 1pm 3/17

    UMBC CSEE Seminar Series Phase synchrony in heart-brain interactions predicts personality and emotions Ehsan Shokri Kojori NIH, National Institute on Alcoloh Abuse and Alcoholism 1:00-2:00pm Friday, 17 March 2017, ITE 231 Despite the historical interest in the link between brain and heart, it is unknown whether brain and heart interactions provide meaningful information about emotions…

  • Prof. Gymama Slaughter on the body as a battery at Baltimore’s Light City festival

    How can we begin to use our body as a power source? The same way we use a battery: by harnessing its chemical energy. As part of the annual Baltimore Light City Festival: A Festival of Light, Music and Innovations, Dr. Gymama Slaughter will present her research work on “The body as a battery –…

  • In Hour of Code, UMBC students give Baltimore youth hands-on intro to computing careers

    At one table, thirteen Lakeland Elementary/Middle School students from Baltimore used tablets to create patterns of colorful shapes through code. At another station, the students composed music and played games on laptops by completing circuits connected to bananas and celery. The scene in UMBC’s Commons last Thursday was just what Gabrielle Salib ‘17, interdisciplinary studies,…

  • Talk: Lexumo Continuous Open Source Code Security

     The UMBC Cyber Defense Lab presents Lexumo Tech Talk: Continuous Open Source Code Security Dr. Richard T. Carback III Lexumo, Inc. 11:15am Friday, 16 December 2016, ITE 237, UMBC Lexumo is a startup which provides the only automated service that continuously monitors IoT software platforms for the latest public vulnerabilities. Funded in January of 2016…

  • UMBC researchers collaborate with Army Research Laboratory to understand human variability

    UMBC’s Mobile Pervasive and Sensor Systems Laboratory is collaborating with researchers at the Army Research Laboratory as part of their Center For Adaptive Soldier Technologies (CAST) laboratory. The UMBC group, led by Prof. Nilanjan Banerjee, is funded to work on the Human Variablility Project. The ARL described and motivates the project as follows. “While it…

  • Attacking and Defending the Automotive CAN Bus

    MS Thesis Defense Attacking and Defending the Automotive CAN Bus Jackson Schmandt 12:30pm Thursday, 8 December, 2016, ITE 325b, UMBC The scope and complexity of Automotive Computer Networks have grown drastically in the last decade. Once present only in high end vehicles, multi-use infotainment systems are now included in base models of some economy vehicles.…