Category: Computer Engineering

  • talk: The Evolution of Mobile Authentication, 1pm 4/30, ITE325, UMBC

    The Evolution of Mobile Authentication Prof. Keith Mayes, Royal Holloway University of London 1:00pm Tuesday 30 April 2019, ITE325, UMBC Mobile communication is an essential part or modern life, however it is dependent on some fundamental security technologies. Critical amongst these technologies, is mobile authentication, the ability to identify valid users (and networks) and enable…

  • talk: Why are memory-corruption bugs still a thing?, 10:30am Mon 4/8, ITE325

    Why are memory-corruption bugs still a thing? The challenges of securing software at an assembly level Doug BrittonCTO, RunSafe Security Inc. 10:30-11:30 Monday, 8 April 2019, ITE346 Methods to chip away at the danger of memory-corruption bugs have been available for some time.  Why has the going-price of memory-corruption-based exploits not spiked?  If the methods…

  • talk: Does Wireless and Mobile Networking Research Still Matter? 12pm Wed 2/27, ITE325

    Does Wireless and Mobile Networking Research Still Matter? Dr. Dmitri Perkins, National Science Foundation 12:00pm Wed. Feb. 27, 2019, ITE325, UMBC The miniaturization of radio and communication technologies has led to the widespread proliferation of wireless-enabled devices and to an explosion of mobile applications and services. Without question, wireless networking has become an enabling and…

  • talk and demo: Exploiting IoT Vulnerabilities, 11:45-1:00pm Mon 2/18

    Exploiting IoT Vulnerabilities Dr. Yatish Joshi, Senior Engineer, Cisco Systems 11:45am-1:00pm Monday, 18 February 2019, ITE 325-B The past decade has seen explosive growth in the use and deployment of IoT (Internet of Things) devices. According to Gartner there will be about 20.8 billion IoT devices in use by 2020. These devices are seeing wide…

  • talk: OMI, Invisible Technology that will Revolutionize Supercomputing and AI; 3pm Thr Feb 14, ITE325

    Distinguished Lecture Series OMI: The Invisible Technology that will Revolutionize Supercomputing and AI Prof. Harm Peter Hofstee Delft University of Technology Distinguished Research Staff, IBM Austin Research Laboratory 3:00pm Thursday 14 February, 2019, ITE325, UMBC In this talk, we present some major trends in compute, memory/storage, and networking, and for each we will discuss how…

  • Maryland Data Science Conference, Fri. 1/25, UMBC (new date)

    MD Data Science Conference Friday, 25 January, PAH Concert Hall, UMBC Miner & Kasch, a AI and data science consulting firm founded by two UMBC alumni, will hold a one-day Data Science Conference at UMBC on Friday, January 25 in the Linehan Concert Hall of the UMBC Performing Arts & Humanities Building. A limited number…

  • Job Positions: Computer Science Lecturer, Professor of the Practice and Visiting Assistant Professor

    Computer Science Lecturer, Professor of the Practice and Visiting Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) The Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE) at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) invites applications for multiple non-tenure track positions at the ranks of Lecturer, Professor of…

  • UMBC CS & CE tenured/tenure track faculty positions for 2019

    CSEE Professor Tinoosh Mohsenin in her laboratory     Tenured/Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in CS and CE Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) UMBC’s Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering invites applications for multiple, open rank, tenured/tenure-track positions in Computer Science (CS) and Computer Engineering (CE) to begin…

  • MD-AI Meetup holds 1st event at UMBC 6-8pm Wed 10/3, 7th floor library

    MD-AI Meetup holds 1st event at UMBC 6-8pm Wed 10/3, 7th floor library   A new Maryland-based meetup interest group has been established for Artificial Intelligence (MD-AI Meetup) and will have its first meeting at UMBC this coming Wednesday (Oct 3) from 6:00-8:00pm in the 7th floor of the library.  The first meeting will feature…

  • Machine learning and AI for cybersecurity: a technical chat with DISA

    The UMBC Cyber Defense Lab   Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: A Technical Chat with the Defense Information Systems Agency James Curry Lead Engineer–DoD Cyber Security Range Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) 12:00–1:00pm Friday, 28 September 2018, ITE 227, UMBC A broad reaching brief on the scope and scale of the DISA Mission, followed by…