Camilla Hyman joins CSEE staff

Ms. Camilla Hyman recently joined the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Staff as the Business Services Specialist for the department. Ms. Hyman has replaced Ms. Donna Meyers, who retired at the end of Spring 2011.

This summer, Camilla Hyman joined the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department as Business Services Specialist–a role that had been left vacant by Ms. Donna Meyers, who retired at the end of Spring 2011. Ms. Hyman, who has lived in Maryland her entire life, grew up just down the road from UMBC in Catonsville, MD and now lives in Baltimore City. Apart from being an expert at all things payroll, Ms. Hyman has served as a Girl Scout leader for the past seventeen years.

Before coming to UMBC, Ms. Hyman spent nine years working for the Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology (GEST) and Joint Center for Earth Sciences (JCET) departments at UMBC. Prior to that, she worked for the Division of Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine departments at the University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB). With less than a month of CSEE office life under her belt, Ms. Hyman already says that she finds the position enjoyable. The best part about her job, she says, is learning about different cultures from the Graduate Students that she interacts with every day. 




