Is a smartphone your Internet portal?

Today’s Washington Post article, As smartphones proliferate, some users are cutting the computer cord, describes how smartphones are enabling a “always-on, Internet-on-the-go society”.

“A third of all American adults own a smartphone and for many minority and low income users, those mobile devices have replaced computers for Internet access. The findings released Monday by the Pew Internet & American Life Project highlight the breakneck speed consumers are adopting smartphones — faster than just about any high-tech product in history. … Of those who solely rely on smartphones to surf the Web, most are minorities, younger than 30 and have low incomes. They’ve found mobile devices as a suitable replacement for buying expensive computers and paying DSL or cable modem bills every month, Smith said. Cable and DSL remain faster, but that difference may not be big enough to justify their high costs for some consumers.”

How many UMBC students use a smartphone for a significant part of their access to the Internet? What are you using: iPhone, Android, Blackberry, WebOS? Please share your experience as a comment.




