talk: Noisy intermediate-scale quantum computing, 2:30pm Fri 10/12

UMBC Quantum Computation Seminar

Noisy intermediate-scale quantum computing

Dr. Omar Shehab, IonQ, Inc. & Univ of Maryland

2:30-3:30pm, Friday, 12 October 2018, ITE 325B, UMBC

We are entering into the era of commercial quantum computing. I will talk about why making quantum computers is so hard. You will also know how the first generation programming interfaces are going to look like. Finally, I will share how we have solved a toy but interesting nuclear physics problem on an actual quantum computer.

Dr. Omar Shehab is a quantum computer scientist at IonQ, Inc. and an affiliated faculty at the University of Maryland. He graduated from CSEE, UMBC in 2016 under the supervision of Professor Lomonaco. He currently works on Quantum Complexity Theory, Quantum Algorithms, and Quantum Programming Languages.



