👩‍🏫 Meet your professor: Dr. Penny Rheingans, 12-1pm Wed 4/18, ITE239

Meet your Professor: Dr. Penny Rheingans

Join the CS Education Club in their third installment of the “Meet Your Professor” series featuring Dr. Penny Rheingans. The “Meet Your Professor” series provides students with the opportunity to learn more about their professors, including how they achieved their position, what they believe makes an effective teacher, what research they conduct, and more!

Dr. Rheingans is a Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Center for Women in Technology (CWIT). She has taught classes including 201, 341, 435, 436, special topics, and various graduate classes. She conducts research on data visualization, computing education, and diversity in technology.

The talk is Wednesday, April 18 from 12:00-12:50 in ITE 239. Light refreshments will be provided. Bring questions!



