Intern and coop opportunities at NSA

The National Security Agency has an active internship and coop program in which many UMBC students take part.

Visit the National Security Agency to learn about intern and cooperative education positions, 9:15am – 3:00pm on Friday, March 11, 2011.

Challenge the unknown. Solve the impossible. And at NSA, it's about protecting the Nation. A career at NSA offers the opportunity to work with the best, shape the course of the world, and secure your own future. As a college undergrad, you can gain the experience you need while working toward your degree. And you'll get to experience first-hand what life at NSA is really like. Participate in this Shriver on the Road Visit to learn about the internship and co-op programs offered by the NSA.

The core mission of the NSA is to protect U.S. national security systems and to produce foreign signals intelligence information. NSA would like to invite students who meet the following requirements:

  • Must be a U.S. citizen
  • Must be eligible to be granted a security clearance
  • Must be a freshman or sophomore
  • Must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Must be majoring in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or Math

The Agenda for the Visit will include the following:

  • Tour of the National Cryptologic Museum
  • Free Lunch (Pizza, Cookies, Soda, etc)
  • Internship and Cooperative Education Information Session
  • NSA Intern/Co-op Meet and Greet
  • Security Awareness Presentation
  • Q and A Session

To participate: RSVP via UMBCcworks under Events (workshops) and send your resume to Casey Miller at The Shriver Center at UMBC, email: cmille1 at



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