Technica 24-hour all-woman hackathon, Sat-Sun November 4-5,UM College Park

Technica 24-hour all-woman hackathon, Sat-Sun November 4-5, UM College Park

Technica is the University of Maryland’s all-women hackathon. Over 24 hours on Saturday and Sunday​,​ November 4-5​,​ ​participants​ are immersed in tech culture and encouraged to exercise their imagination to create interesting and innovative hacks. Technica differs from the typical hackathon in that it encourage gender diversification and ask sponsors to hack alongside students in order to build stronger connections between students and the tech world.
Registration for Technica 2017, the world’s largest all-women hackathon, is open ​now​. Technica will be ​held  in Reckord Armory at College Park, and all women and non-binary people of any experience level and major are encouraged to attend.
Students of all skill levels ​can participate​, even ​thos​e​ who have​ never written a line of code. Technica volunteers are prepared to teach you everything you need to learn while also supporting the most experienced hackers.
Depending on the number of people registered from a location, buses may be available. Request a bus from​/to​ UMBC at



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