Tim Finin in the shark tank at AFCEA DC’s Cybersecurity Summit


CSEE faculty member Tim Finin was a judge in the Shark Tank event held at the AFCEA-DC’s 7th Annual Cybersecurity Summit on 11 October 2016. The summit is held each year by the DC chapter of AFCEA, the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association.

In the two shark tank session, cyber entrepreneurs presented their ideas to a panel of sharks that included cybersecurity experts from government, industry, academia and the venture capital community. The contestants tried to convince the sharks to choose their cyber technology over the other presentations. Early start-ups, as well as large federal system integrators, were eligible to sign up to present their latest and greatest technologies.

Two contestants were selected as winners, one from each session: Javelin Networks and Dark Cubed.  Videos of the two shark tank panels as well as other sessions are available at Cybersecurity TV.



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