PhD defense: Simultaneous Polarization-Insensitive Phase-space Trans-multiplexing and Wavelength Multicasting via Cross-phase Modulation in a Photonic Crystal Fiber at 10 GBd

Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
Electrical Engineering

Simultaneous Polarization-Insensitive Phase-space
Trans-multiplexingand Wavelength Multicasting via
Cross-phase Modulation in a Photonic Crystal Fiber at 10 GBd

Brice Cannon

2:00pm Monday, 6 April 2015, ITE325b, UMBC

This thesis investigates the all-optical combination of amplitude and phase modulated signals into one unified multi-level phase modulated signal, utilizing the Kerr nonlinearity of cross-phase modulation (XPM). Predominantly, the first experimental demonstration of simultaneous polarization-insensitive phase-transmultiplexing and multicasting (PI-PTMM) will be discussed. The PI-PTMM operation combines the data of a single 10-Gbaud carrier-suppressed return-to-zero (CSRZ) on-off keyed (OOK) pump signal and 4×10-Gbaud return-to-zero (RZ) binary phase-shift keyed (BPSK) probe signals to generate 4×10-GBd RZ-quadrature phase-shift keyed (QPSK) signals utilizing a highly nonlinear, birefringent photonic crystal fiber (PCF). Since XPM is a highly polarization dependent nonlinearity, a polarization sensitivity reduction technique was used to alleviate the fluctuations due to the remotely generated signals’ unpredictable states of polarization (SOP). The measured amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) limited receiver sensitivity optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) penalty of the PI-PTMM signal relative to the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) pre-coded RZ-DQPSK baseline at a forward-error correction (FEC) limit of 10-3 BER was ≈ 0.3 dB. In addition, the OSNR of the remotely generated CSRZ-OOK signal could be degraded to ≈ 29 dB/0.1nm, before the bit error rate (BER) performance of the PI-PTMM operation began to exponentially degrade. A 138-km dispersion-managed recirculating loop system with a 100-GHz, 13-channel mixed-format dense-wavelength-division multiplexed (DWDM) transmitter was constructed to investigate the effect of metro/long-haul transmission impairments. The PI-PTMM DQPSK and the FPGA pre-coded RZ-DQPSK baseline signals were transmitted 1,900 km and 2,400 km in the nonlinearity-limited transmission regime before reaching the 10-3 BER FEC limit. The relative reduction in transmission distance for the PI-PTMM signal was due to the additional transmitter impairments in the PCF that interact negatively with the transmission fiber.

Committee: Drs. Professor Gary M. Carter (Chair), William Astar, Anthony M. Johnson, Tinoosh Mohsenin, Thomas E. Murphy, Terrance L. Worchesky

