UMBC Chess team to compete in 2014 Final Four of College Chess

This coming weekend, the UMBC chess team will play for the President’s Cup in the Final Four of College Chess. UMBC will compete with chess teams from Webster University, the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, and Texas Tech University.

The match has been held each year since 2001 between the top four US schools from the Pan American Intercollegiate Team Chess Championship and the winner is considered the top chess team among U.S. colleges and universities.  UMBC has placed first at the Final Four a record six times.

CSEE Professor Alan Sherman, who is the director of the UMBC chess program, will accompany the team to the match, which will be held at the New York Athletic Club in New York City on Friday through Sunday, April 4-6, 2014. Games will be broadcast live on Monroi.

The UMBC team will consist of:

  • Board 1: GM Niclas “The Dark Knight” Huschenbeth (USCF rating 2610)
  • Board 2: GM Akshayraj “The Indian Knight” Kore (2519)
  • Board 3: M Levan “The Georgian Gangster” Bregadze (2469)
  • Board 4: IM and WGM Nazi “The Black Widow” Paikidze (2378)
  • Alternate: WGM Sabina “Sunshine” Foisor (2315)




