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2013 UMBC CSEE Research Review
Call for Talks, Student Research Papers and Student Posters
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Friday, 12 April 2013, UC Ballroom, UMBC
The Event
A presentation of selected research accomplishments from 2012–2013 by UMBC faculty and students in the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. For faculty, researchers, students, and visitors. An annual event. There will be a single track combining computer science, electrical engineering, and computer engineering. For conference information and requirements, see the CRR-13 page.
What to Submit
- Faculty Talks. We seek UMBC CSEE faculty to present their best research accomplishments from 2012-2013. There will be six faculty talks, each 20 minutes long. The talks should describe recent concrete research accomplishments, not on-going research directions, understandable to most CSEE faculty. Submit your name, lab, talk title and informative abstract in ascii (at most 250 words).
- Student Research Prizes and Talks. We invite UMBC CSEE undergraduate and graduate students to have their research considered for the prizes ($100 each) of Best Undergraduate Research, Best MS Research, and Best PhD Research. Winners will present their research in 20-minute talks. Submit name, lab, title, informative abstract (in ascii), one technical report (at most 20 pages), and a letter of support from your advisor. To qualify, the work must have been carried out primarily in the 2012-2013 academic year. Prizes will be awarded primarily on the basis of scientific merit (significance, originality, nontriviality, correctness) and to a lesser extent on effective writing (clarity, proper English usage), with some preference in close cases given to students awarded degrees in 2012-2013.
- Student Research Posters and Prizes. We seek UMBC CSEE undergraduate and graduate students to present their best research accomplishments from 2012-2013 in posters. Submit name, lab, poster title and informative abstract in ascii (at most 250 words) approved by your research advisor (return signed approval form to Dr. Sherman's mailbox in ITE 325). Prizes ($50 each) to best three posters, voted by professors on basis of scientific merit and effective presentation, using range voting. Up to 30 posters will be accepted (in addition to the three research prize posters).
How to Submit
Submit faculty talk, student research paper, or student poster abstract electronically via the CRR-13 Easychair site. You will need to create an easychair account if you do not have one.
- Separately Submit for Posters and Awards. Separately submit for posters and awards. Research award submissions will not be automatically considered for posters, and vice-versa.
- Poster Approval. An approval form signed by your advisor is required for each poster submission. Submit this form to Dr. Alan Sherman's mailbox in the ITE 325 Suite.
- Length Requirements. (a) Each abstract must be no more than 250 words and written in an informative style concretely summarizing your new and significant research results. (b) Each paper submitted for any research award must be no more than 20 pages, unless the submitted paper has already been accepted to a refereed research journal. Only one paper may be submitted.
- Recommendation Letter for Awards. A recommendation letter is required for each award submission. Please have your advisor send the letter to . Each faculty member may recommend at most one student per award level (BS, MS/MPS, PhD).
- New: Supplemental One-Page Statement on Award submissions. Each submission for an award must be accompanied by a one-page statement by the student explaining the novelty and significance of the submitted paper. This statement must be written to be understandable by all CSEE faculty. The statement must be included in the submitted single pdf file.
- Award Criteria. The award is based primarily on the scientific merit of the submitted paper, and to a lesser extent on its effective presentation. Scientific merit includes novelty, significance, correctness, completeness, and non-triviality. Effective presentation includes clarity, organization, and effective English usage.
- Required Information for Posters and Awards. Be sure to include your name, degree program (CS, CE, EE, Cyber), degree level (BS, MS, MPS, PhD), research group, and research advisor's name.
- Poster Dimensions. We prefer posters to be laid out in portrait style (vertical) with maximum dimensions 2 ft x 3ft. The horizontal dimension must not exceed three feet.
- Questions and Special Requests. Any special instructions or requests should be sent to umbcrr2013 at easychair.org
All submissions will be electronic through the EasyChair web system.
- April 8 (12:00 Noon) – Faculty talks, student research and poster submissions due.
- April 10 – Program, awards, posters session announced.