Mid-Maryland Data Science Meetup

One the hottest topics in computing today is data science — how we can exploit the massive amounts of data now available to discover knowledge and solve problems. Data science touches on many computing areas (e.g., databases, machine learning, high performance computing, visualization, cloud computing, text analysis and graph analytics) and has many applications.

If you are interested in this, you might consider joining the new Mid-Maryland Data Science Meetup.

"The Mid-Maryland Data Science group is intended to be a gathering of professionals, students, and enthusiasts in the area to discuss diverse topics related to data science. We aim to have frank discussions on all topics related to the field of data analytics. No subject is too big or too small, as we believe analytics can operate on any scale. We plan to mix education with practical examples, helping users make the most of their time."

An initial meeting will be held next Tuesday (January 29) from 6:00-8:00pm at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. You can find out more about the event and reserve a spot on the meetup site. You can expect the meetings to be held about once a month in the early evening at various sites, feature one or more speakers, and provide some refreshments (e.g., pizza, soda).

These meetup events are a great way to learn about emerging technologies as well as connect with people and organizations working with them. Attending such meetings can also lead to opportunities for internships and full time jobs.



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