JOB: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's DEVELOP program summer internship


NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's DEVELOP program is looking for several interns to assist with Earth Science research projects during Summer 2013 for a 10 week paid internship, working 30-35 hours a week. The summer 2013 term will start on Monday, June 3, 2013 and end on Friday, August 9, 2013.

Students will work with NASA scientists and partner organizations to learn about the use of NASA remote sensing imagery for use in water resources, disaster management, and ecological forecasting applications to address environmental community concerns.

Requirements: U.S. Citizens. 3.0 GPA minimum. High School, Undergraduate, and Graduate Students with majors/skills in GIS, Remote Sensing, Cartography, Geography, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Computer Science, Web Programming, Web Development/Design, Database Management, Spatial Statistics, Hydrology, Ecology, Atmospheric Science, and/or Environmental Engineering are encouraged to apply. Knowledge of forest dynamics, fire ecology, satellite image processing, ENVI/IDL, Python, web development, GIS (ArcGIS, qGIS, SAGA) and database management (PostGIS/PostGresql, Geoserver, OpenLayers) are highly desirable.

The deadline to apply is Monday, February 4, 2013 (postmarked). Students need to visit the DEVELOP website, click on "Apply", download application, and choose Summer 2013 term at GSFC in Greenbelt, Maryland.

For more information contact Melissa Oguamanam: melissa (dot) i (dot) oguamanam (at) nasa (dot) gov




