Northrop Grumman Foundation and UMBC announce UMBC Cyber Scholars Program

UMBC is partnering with the Northrop Grumman Foundation to launch the UMBC Cyber Scholars Program. Funded by a generous $1 million grant from the Northrop Grumman Foundation, and facilitated by the new UMBC Center for Cybersecurity and the UMBC Center for Women in Technology, the scholarship program is slated to launch this January, according to this morning's press release.

The scholarship program will support 15 to 20 scholars each year, with a focus on women and underrepresented minorities. Along with financial support, scholars will have the opportunity to do advanced research, internships, and take both management-oriented and technical courses.

To learn more about the new UMBC Cyber Scholars Program, read Northrop Grumman and UMBC's joint press release.
To learn more about the new UMBC Center for Cybersecurity, click here.

Northrop Grumman Foundation announced $1 million grant to launch the University of Maryland, Baltimore County Cyber Scholars program. Pictured from left are Freeman Hrabowski, president of UMBC; Sandra Evers-Manly, president of the Northrop Grumman Foundation; Alex Markowski, UMBC CWIT Scholar; Alec Pulianas, UMBC CWIT Scholar; and Anupam Joshi, director of UMBC’s Cybersecurity Center and head of the Cyber Scholars program.