Kayode Sanni

Originally from Pikesville, Maryland, Kayode graduated from UMBC in Summer 2012 with a B.S. in Computer Engineering. He is now working toward his Ph.D. in Computer Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.


About Kayode…

When did you know that you wanted to study Computer Engineering?

After visiting an engineering firm during my junior year in high school, I knew that I wanted to study Computer Engineering in college, and I haven’t switched since.

What area of Computer Engineering are you most interested in?

I am most interested in circuit and logic design because after taking CMOS VLSI Design last semester, I just feel in love with the material, and the projects were a blast!

Are you part of any labs, clubs or organizations on campus?

I am part of the UMBC Gospel Choir, and I participate in the National Society of Black Engineer (NSBE) events occasionally.  Also, I used to be a part of an intramural soccer team on campus.

Are you involved in any research projects?

Currently I am not working on any research projects. However, I have worked on implementing a tracking system for autonomous robots with the use of LED lights, modeling camelid protein structure using pyrosetta, a python-based program, and coding robots to autonomously segment clutters on tables for object manipulation.

Have you had any internships?

During the summer of my freshmen year, I interned at Johns Hopkins University under Dr. Jeffrey Gray. In the summer of my sophomore year I interned at the University of Michigan under Dr. Edwin Olson. Then this past summer, I interned at Georgia Tech under Dr. Charlie Kemp.

What are your plans after graduation?

I intend on pursing a Ph.D. at Graduate School.  My top choices include Georgia Tech, University of Michigan, and Purdue University.

What is your dream job?

My dream job would be being a tenured research professor at a top notch university.



Why did you choose UMBC?

I started in the Summer of 2008, and I chose UMBC because of the Meyerhoff  Scholarship Program. After attending UMBC’s open house, I immediately noticed the ease of getting around campus, and the welcoming and friendly atmosphere.

What do you like about campus life?

I appreciate the sense of community with living on campus. It is very easy to meet new people and stay in touch because they live so close to you!

What was your favorite Computer Engineering course?

My favorite Computer Engineering course was CMOS VLSI Design(CMPE315)  because I enjoyed circuit and logic design. I would recommend students who are interested in the hardware side of Computer Engineering to do the Electronic Systems track, where they will get to take CMOS VLSI Design (CMPE315) and Programmable Logic Devices (CMPE415).

What do you like about the Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE) Department?

I like how the CSEE department not only provides ample opportunities to get involved with the department, but also internship and job opportunities. I became a computer science grader through the department.

How would you describe the professors in the department?

The professors are friendly, approachable, and dedicated to the students’ success.

What advice would you give to incoming students?

My advice to incoming undergraduate students is to learn to manage your time well because it is crucial for success.



