IEEE Colloquium on Energy Harvesting Devices, September 25

The IEEE Baltimore Electron Devices Society chapter, in collaboration with ARL, will be hosting a one day Colloquium on Energy Harvesting Devices at the University of Maryland, College Park on Tuesday, September 25, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Stamp Student Union Building, Benjamin Banneker Room (Room 2212).

Invited speakers include:

Dr. Edward Shaffer, Army Research Laboratory
Prof. Vikram Dalal, Iowa State University
Prof. Santosh Kurinec, Rochester Institute of Technology
Dr. James Horwitz, Dept. of Energy (DOE)
Prof. Edward Yu, University of Texas,Austin
Prof. Rajendra Singh, Univ. of South Carolina
Prof. Agis IliadisUniv. of MD, College Park

Panel discussion on paths to reliable, efficient and low cost solar cell development (Dr. Anu Kaul/NSF, Chair, Dr. Mike Wraback ARL, Mr. Scott Stephens, DOE).

Attendance is free. To register, please contact: Dr. Naresh C. Das () or Dr. Victor Veliadis ()

For more information, visit the website and download the flyer.



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