Prof. Sherman receives Hrabowski Fund for Innovation award to develop quantum computing teaching material

Prof. Sherman receives Hrabowski Fund for Innovation award to develop quantum computing teaching material

CSEE Professor Alan Sherman received a seed award from UMBC’s Hrabowski Fund for Innovation to develop educational material for quantum algorithms. The project, Evaluation and Enhancement of a Learning Unit on Quantum Algorithms, will involve a multidisciplinary team that will assess and enhance materials for a two-week learning unit on algorithms for quantum computers for use in a general course on algorithms. Some material has already been developed and field-tested in UMBC’s computer science graduate algorithms course, CMSC 641.

The educational unit will introduce the new transformative paradigm of quantum algorithms, which offers tremendous potential for solving important complex problems when executed on a quantum computer. This project will make this learning unit, including its six videos and other materials, freely available after they are revised and enhanced based on reviews by three experts.

The Hrabowski Fund for Innovation exemplifies UMBC’s commitment to investing in faculty initiatives that fuel creativity and enterprise and also create opportunities for student engagement.

