UMBC Postdoctoral Fellows Program for Faculty Diversity

Former UMBC Postdoctoral Fellows

UMBC Postdoctoral Fellows Program for Faculty Diversity

UMBC is soliciting applications for its Postdoctoral Fellows Program for Faculty Diversity in all areas with applications due by October 2, 2020.

UMBC is dedicated to ensuring a diverse, scholarly environment and encouraging outstanding individuals to enter the academic profession. This fellowship program is intended to support promising scholars who are committed to diversity in the academy and prepares those scholars for possible tenure track appointments at UMBC. We are particularly interested in receiving applications from individuals who are members of groups that historically have been underrepresented in the professoriate.

During the two-year fellowship, fellows are provided teaching and research mentors and specialized professional development opportunities. In addition to pursuing their research agenda, fellows teach one course a year in the host department. Successful candidates for the Program are selected on the basis of scholarly promise and potential to add to the diversity of the UMBC community. Applicants must have completed their doctoral degree when the term of appointment commences and must be no more than three years beyond receiving the Ph.D.

For more information and details on how to apply, see the COEIT and UMBC pages on the program.




