Ninth annual CSEE Welcome Back Picnic, 12-2 Mon 9/24, ENGR atrium


Ninth annual CSEE Welcome Back Picnic, 12-2 Mon 9/24, ENGR atrium

A very warm welcome to all the new and returning retrievers, on behalf of ACM and IEEE student chapters!

As the semester is still gearing up, we invite you all to our ninth annual Welcome Back Picnic, jointly hosted by UMBC’s ACM and IEEE student chapters. This CSEE networking event is a great opportunity for students (undergraduate, graduate and MPS) faculty and staff to interact and socialize outside the classroom. Free lunch will be provided 🙂

Location: Engineering Atrium
Date: Monday September 24, 2018
Time: 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Limited to CSEE Faculty, Staff & Students (CMSC, CMPE, ENEE, CYBER, DATA)

We hope to see you all there.

UMBC ACM, IEEE Student Chapters and CSEE Department



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