Dr. LaBerge receives inaugural COEIT 2018 Excellence in Teaching Award

At the inaugural COEIT Celebration on May 6, 2018, several College-level faculty and staff awards were initiated by COEIT Dean Keith Bowman. We are pleased to announce that the first recipient of the COEIT 2018 Excellence in Teaching Award is CSEE’s Professor of the Practice, Dr. E. F. Charles LaBerge!

As his nomination statement reads,

Drawing on a very distinguished industry career, Dr. E.F. (Chuck) LaBerge demonstrates teaching, service, and critical, prominent departmental leadership with a high degree of initiative, enthusiasm, and professionalism.

A 30-year aviation industry veteran, Dr. LaBerge is CSEE’s senior instructional faculty member. He is a successful and efficient CMPE UPD who has twice provided critical department leadership with ABET reviews. His teaching evaluations at UMBC are exemplary on a wide range of courses — in particular, his CMPE capstone sequence.

In addition to standard faculty service duties, Dr. LaBerge collaborates on innovative departmental initiatives, such as the ACTIVE (Active Computing Teaching and InnoVation Environment) Center via the Hrabowski Fund. Dr. LaBerge is remains involved with the engineering industry and since 2008, chaired an avionics advisory committee to the Federal Aviation Adminstration. As an IEEE Senior Member, he regularly reviews assorted IEEE journal articles within his domain.

Dr. LaBerge’s professionalism, attention to detail, collegial attitude, and enthusiasm for student, department, and College success make him a valued CSEE colleague and justify his nomination for the COEIT Excellence in Teaching Award.


