Chan Zuckerberg Initiative: Career & Internship Info. Session & TechTalk, 5:30-7:15 Wed 11/1

Chan Zuckerberg Initiative- Career & Internship Information Session & TechTalk

Advancing Human Potential and Promoting Equal Opportunity

5:30-7:15pm  Wednesday, 1 November 2017,  Albin O. Kuhn Library, 7th Floor

Join representatives from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to learn about career and intern opportunities and listen to a technical talk by Jeremy Freeman, James Wang and Elizabeth Caley. Open to undergraduate and graduate students from all majors with a focus or interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math).

The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, founded by Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan in December 2015, is dedicated to advancing human potential and promoting equal opportunity. We believe technology can help accelerate discovery and scale solutions to facilitate social change. We support science and technology that will help make it possible to cure, prevent, or manage all diseases by the end of the century.

We’re hiring data scientists, software engineers, biologists, designers and more. See for all the current positions. Internships will be posted shortly.

5:30 PM: CZI Overview & Career and Intern Opportunities

6:00 PM: TechTalk

  • Jeremy Freeman, Manager Computational Biology
  • James Wang, Director of Engineering, and
  • Elizabeth Caley, Chief of Staff, META: AI for Science

7:00 PM: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Meet & Great (open networking)
Join us to hear about some of the projects underway to help accelerate scientific progress by bringing together scientists and engineers:

  • Overview of Chan Zuckerberg Science — our goals and what we do to bring tools and platforms to scientists
  • The Chan Zuckerberg Biohub — how an independent nonprofit research center brings together scientists, engineers, and data scientists to make fundamental discoveries and develop new technologies for the scientific community
  • Scientific Knowledge — the products, projects, and collaborations that help accelerate the sharing and awareness of scientific knowledge for researchers



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