UMBC’s Anthony Johnson appointed to IEEE Corporate Innovation Award Committee

CSEE Professor Anthony Johnson has been appointed by the IEEE to its Corporate Innovation Award Committee. The IEEE Corporate Innovation Award was established in 1985 to recognize outstanding innovation by an organization in an IEEE field of interest. The recipient must be a corporate, governmental, or academic entity working within the fields of interest to IEEE. Recent recipients include Intel, SanDisk, DARPA, and Applied Materials, Inc.

Dr. Johnson is the director of UMBC’s Center for Advanced Studies in Photonics Research. His research is in the area of ultrafast optics and optoelectronics- the ultrafast photophysics and nonlinear optical properties of bulk, nanoclustered, and quantum well semiconductor structures, untrashort pulse propagation in fibers and high-speed lightwave systems. He is a fellow of IEEE, the Optical Society of America, the American Physical Society, AAAS and the National Society of Black Physicists.




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