talk: Keith Clark, Programming Robotic Agents, 2pm Fri 10/2, ITE325

Baxter is an industrial robot built by Rethink Robotics, a start-up company founded by Rodney Brooks. It was introduced in September 2012. Baxter is a 3-foot tall (without pedestal; 5'10" - 6'3" with pedestal), two-armed robot with an animated face.

Programming Robotic Agents: A Multi-tasking Teleo-Reactive Approach

Keith Clark, Imperial College London
University of Queensland, University New South Wales
joint work with Peter Robinson, University of Queensland

2:00pm Friday, 2 October 2015, ITE325b

We present a multi-threaded/multi-tasking message communicating robotic agent architecture in which the concurrently executing tasks are programmed in TeleoR, a major extension of Nilsson’s Teleo-Reactive Procedures (TR) guard ~> action rule language for robotic agents.

The rule guards query rapidly changing percept facts, and more slowly changing told and remembered facts, using fixed facts, relation and function rules (the agent’s knowledge) in the agent’s deductive BeliefStore. Its operational semantics makes the languages well suited to robot/robot or human/robot co-operative tasks.

TeleoR extends TR in:

  • being typed and higher order,
  • having a typed higher order LP/FP language, QuLog, for encoding BeliefStore knowledge,
  • having extra forms of rules and actions, and o having task atomic procedures to control the deadlock and starvation free sharing of several robotic resources by concurrently executing tasks.

Its use is illustrated in the video at It is being used at UNSW to write the control program for a two armed Baxter robot working in co-operation with a person concurrently engaged in several assembly tasks.

Keith Clark is Emeritus Professor of Computer Science at Imperial College London, England and a Visiting Professor at the University of Queensland and the University New South Wales. He has lectured in both mathematics and computer science.

Host: Tim Finin

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