talk: Optical Measurements and Devices for Biotechnology and Biomedicine, 12pm 9/18

The UMBC CSEE Seminar Series Presents

Optical Measurements and Devices for Biotechnology and Biomedicine

Dr. Yordan Kostov

Assistant Director, Center for Advanced Sensor Technology, UMBC

12-1pm Friday, 18 September 2015
ITE 102 (Lecture Hall VIII)

A variety of approaches for measurement of bioprocess and biomedical variables are presented. Classical optical measurements (fluorescence, absorption, decay time, etc.) are employed together with miniaturized versions of benchtop spectroscopy equipment to measure a number of bioprocess variables (pH, DO, protein concentration, etc.).  Similar approach allows for measurement of biomedical parameters (transcutaneous O2 and CO2, glucose). The sensing is made possible by the developed miniaturized versions of lab equipment, use of microfluidics and actuation, as well as the use of proper data processing coupled with customizable user interface. A number of examples will be given.

Dr. Yordan Kostov holds an M.Sc. in Electrical engineering from Odessa Polytechnical Institute (Ukraine) and a combined Ph.D. Degree in ChemE./EE from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He has industry experience as electronic technology engineer. In his doctoral studies, he focused on optical sensing of biomedical parameters, and pursues this line of research ever since. Currently, he is Assistant Director of the Center for Advanced Sensor Technology at UMBC and Adjunct Professor at CSEE. His main interests are in the area of Biomedical measurements and devices.

Hosts: Professors Fow-Sen Choa () and Alan T. Sherman ()




