UMBC Graduate Research Conference, 9-5 Wed 3/25


UMBC’s 37th Annual Graduate Research Conference will take place between 9:00am and 5:00pm on Wednesday, 25 March 2015. The GRC program includes both oral and poster presentations, lunch and a keynote panel, a research information fair and a reception. The event is free, but online registration is requested.

Here is a summary of the presentations from Computer Science and Electrical Engineering students. See the GRC program for abstracts and a complete list of presentations and posters from all UMBC graduate programs.

Session I 9:00am-10:15am in UC 312

  • Prajit Das – Computer Science
    FaceBlock: Semantic Context-Aware Privacy for Mobile Devices
  • Ari Rapkin Blenkhorn – Computer Science
    Real-time GPU Rendering of Atmospheric Glories
  • Tanmay Kulkarni – Electrical Engineering
    Palladium Nanowire Based Enzymatic Biofuel Cell
  • Robert Weiblen – Electrical Engineering
    Increased Laser Damage Threshold in As2S3 Motheye Structures
  • Muhammad Rahman – Computer Science
    Semantic Information Extraction from RFP Documents

Session II 10:30am-11:45am in Commons 329

  • Muhammad Rahman – Computer Science (Oral Presentation)
    Open Information Extraction and Topic Modeling on Academic Profiles
  • Vladimir Korolev – Computer Science (Oral Presentation)
    PROB: A Tool for Tracking of PRovenance of Big data Computational Experiments
  • Jennifer Sleeman – Computer Science (Oral Presentation)
    Improving Entity Disambiguation for Wild Big Data Through Contextualization and FineGrained Entity Type Recognition

Session II 10:30am-11:45am in Sherman Hall 145

  • Jon Ward – Electrical Engineering (Oral Presentation)
    Distributed Beamforming Relay Selection to Increase Base Station Anonymity in Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Yin Huang – Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
    An Eigensolver for large sparse graph with Accumulo and D4M
  • Abhay Kashyap – Computer Science (Oral Presentation)
    Rapalytics: When Data Science meets Rap!
  • Zheng Li – Computer Engineering (Oral Presentation)
    Tongue-n-Cheek: Non-contact Tongue Gesture Recognition

Session II 10:30am-11:45am in Sondheim 103

  • Piyush Waradpande – Computer Science (Work in Progress)
    Use of Doppler Radars in Activity Recognition
  • Genaro Hernandez – Computer Science (Work in Progress)
    Toward Category Detection for Physically-Grounded Language
  • Deepak Krishnankutty – Computer Engineering (Work in Progress)
    Multi Vantage Point Analysis of Power Supply Signatures
  • Jorge Teixeira – Electrical Engineering (Work in Progress)
    Advantages and Improvements of BER/WER Performance Evaluation of Error Correcting Codes Using Dual Adaptive Importance Sampling (DAIS)

Session II 10:30am-11:45am, Poster Presentations in Library 7th floor

  • Shaokang Wang – Electrical Engineering
    Soliton Wake Instability in a SESAM Modelocked Fiber Laser
  • Isaac Mativo – Computer Science
    Clinical Predictive Modeling with Patient Reported Data
  • Yichuan Gui – Computer Science
    A Pairwise Algorithm to Overcome the Local Minimum Problem in Training
  • David Harris – Computer Science
    Developing User Interface Frameworks to Facilitate Usage Amongst Technologically UnderServed Populations
  • Hsiao-Chi Li – Electrical Engineering
    Progressive Band Processing of Orthogonal Subspace Projection in Hyperspectral Imagery
  • Lisa Mathews – Computer Science
    A Collaborative Approach to Situational Awareness for CyberSecurity
  • Yu Wang – Computer Science
    Isosurface Smoothing using Marching Cubes and PN-Triangles
  • Yue Hu – Electrical Engineering
    Impact of the Coulomb Interaction on the Franz-Keldysh Effect in a High-Current Photodetector
  • Hadis Dashtestani – Computer Science
    Massively Distributed Online Neuroscience for Improving Virtual Experience

Session III 1:45pm-3:00pm, Poster Presentations in UC 312

  • Bryan Wilkinson – Computer Science
    A Resource for Evaluating Adjective Scales
  • Adam Price – Computer Science
    Big Data Analytics for Expanding Alice Analysis for the United States
  • Seyed Ehsan Jamali Mahabadi and Yue Hu – Electrical Engineering
    Gain Recovery in Quantum Cascade Lasers
  • Brian Stevens – Computer Engineering
    Characterization of Glucose Responsive Phenylboronic Acid-Based Hydrogel Using Optical Coherence Tomography



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