Rescheduled CMPE Town Hall Meeting

The Fall 2014 CMPE Town Hall Meeting has been rescheduled for Friday, February 13, at 12 noon in ITE 104.  Pizza will be available in the atrium outside ITE 104 at the conclusion of the meeting.

The meeting will have a limited agenda, due to time constraints. A second Town Hall meeting will be happening later in the semester, to address issues such as Capstone and departmental Undergraduate Research opportunities.


  • Welcome and Introductions  — Dr. LaBerge
  • Changes to the CMPE Program — Dr. LaBerge
  • The BS/MS Program — Dr. LaBerge
  • Open forum questions and answers

If you responded to the Google Docs survey in 2015 (as opposed to the form for Fall 2014), please respond to the link below.

To ensure that there is enough pizza, please fill out the following Google Docs form if you plan on attending:




