Cybersecurity-related internship at Ridgeback Network Defense, Inc.

Ridgeback Internship


Ridgeback Network Defense, Inc. is seeking motivated interns to assist with building a cybersecurity device.

  • Paid position, 90 day duration, 20-30 hours per week, starting late November or December.
  • The location would be in the UMBC CyberHive on the UMBC campus.
  • Expertise in C++ is a must. All other criteria are highly desirable.
  • Educational attainment is of minimal importance compared to all other criteria.

Criteria for Candidate Selection


  • Highly skilled at C++ (minimum requirement, must have significant expertise)
  • Knowledge of, or experience with, low-level systems programming (e.g., has written a device driver for an operating system)
  • Understanding of various AI techniques (e.g., has implemented a computer opponent in a game)
  • Understanding of various pattern recognition techniques (e.g., has written software to perform data transformation or analysis)
  • Affinity for hacking (the traditional sense of the term; e.g., programs microcontrollers as a hobby)
  • High degree of initiative (e.g., regularly learns new subjects or engages in technical projects outside of school)
  • High degree of self-confidence (e.g., enjoys projects in unfamiliar fields)
  • Achievement or goal oriented (e.g., sets and works toward specific objectives)

Contact Thomas Phillips () with any questions or inquiries.



