JOB: Advanced Website Developer for Northpoint Fundraising, LLC

Northpoint is a free online fundraising tool that helps schools, teams, and organizations
raise money and awareness with apparel and promotional products. Founded in 2010, NP is undergoing a
significant revamp, integrating several new online user interface (UI) tools that will increase efficiency and
participation. Northpoint is seeking additional team members to support development of integral parts of the
website and mobile applications. Northpoint’s existing team currently consists of a web developer, web
designer, and project manager. Most of the Northpoint team members live in different areas of the country,
and for that reason, most correspondence is conducted through phone, email, and video conference.

The chosen web developer(s) should be self-sufficient and have experience with:

  • Web-based CMS (Content Management System) (i.e. Joomla)
  • PHP
  • JQuery
  • Ajax
  • Databases
  • PHP Sessions
  • MVC – Model-View-Controller style programming
  • CSS

As a growing company, development responsibilities may vary or change, but this is a part-time position. The
chosen web developer should be flexible, able to allot time the necessary amount to this effort, and produce
high-quality work. The development responsibilities will be discussed in more depth after initial

Due to high expectations of the position, integral involvement in the growth of the company, and necessary
commitment to the company’s success, compensation will be in the form of equity (i.e. ownership) and/or
royalties of Northpoint Fundraising, LLC. Terms and conditions shall be discussed and agreed upon prior to
beginning any work.

If you are interested in this opportunity or have questions, I encourage you to contact me at
as soon as possible. Please include a statement of qualifications/résumé (not
required), and a reference to any applicable websites or projects that would support qualification for this
position (not required, but may be requested).




