talk: Mobile Analytics: An Enabler for Urban Lifestyle Applications, 10am Tue 6/24

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Mobile Analytics: An Enabler for Urban Lifestyle Applications

Professor Archan Misra

School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University

10-11:00am 24 June 2014, ITE 459, UMBC

This talk will describe various research initiatives related to the theme of “urban mobile analytics and applications”, which utilizes smartphone sensor data from multiple individuals to extract near-real time insights about individual and collective behavior in urban public spaces. A major part of this research is being conducted under the auspices of the LiveLabs Experimentation Platform, a unique urban behavioral testbed effort that enables an ecosystem of industry partners to test advanced context-based applications on a pool of approximately 30,000 real-world users in multiple real-world public spaces in Singapore. Besides describing LiveLabs-related research in areas related to energy-efficient mobile sensing and large-scale mobile analytics (e.g., queuing analytics, group detection and adaptive indoor localization). I will describe the role of such analytics for a couple of novel industry-driven applications: (a) in-store shopper intent monitoring and (b) large-scale mobile crowd-tasking.

Archan Misra is an Associate Professor of Information Systems at Singapore Management University (SMU), and a Director of the LiveLabs research center at SMU. Over the past 14 years (as part of his previous jobs with IBM Research and Telcordia Technologies), he has worked extensively in the areas of mobile systems, wireless networking and pervasive computing, and is a co-author on papers that received the Best Paper awards in EUC 2008, ACM WOWMOM 2002 and IEEE MILCOM 2001. Archan’s broad research interests lie in the areas of pervasive computing and mobile systems, with specific current focus on applying mobile sensing and real-time analytics to understand human lifestyle-driven activities in urban spaces. He is presently an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing and the Elsevier Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing and chaired the IEEE Computer Society’s Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) from 2005-2007. Archan holds a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Maryland at College Park.

Host: Prof. Nirmalya Roy,



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