talk: Image Registration for Multisource Remote Sensing, 3pm Thr 4/3, ITE456

Center for Hybrid Multicore Productivity Research
Distinguished Computational Science Lecture Series

Image Registration for Multisource Remote Sensing

Dr. Jacqueline Le Moigne
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Software Engineering Division – Code 580

3:00pm Thursday, 3 April 2014, ITE 456, UMBC

Satellite remote sensing systems provide large amounts of global coverage and repetitive measurements representing simultaneous or multi-temporal observations of the same features by different sensors; for example over the last 40 years, Landsat satellites have been acquiring more than three million images representing about one petabyte of data. Furthermore, most sensors are carried on separate platforms, resulting in a tremendous amount of data that must be combined. In meeting some of the Earth System Science objectives, the combination of all these data at various resolutions — spatial, radiometric and temporal — will facilitate a better understanding of Earth and space science phenomena, and image registration enables the first step towards this integration.

In this talk, we will describe the image registration challenge in the context of Earth and space remote sensing. Then, we will review a subset of the methods that are being utilized to tackle this challenge, and finally we will describe some of our work that utilizes multiscale representations, in particular wavelets and over-complete representations, as well as more recent work dealing with the registration of Martian data based on crater extraction and matching.

Dr. Le Moigne is the Assistant Chief for Technology in the Software Engineering Division at NASA Goddard, and was Goddard Center Associate for ESTO/Advanced Information Systems Technology Program, from 2009 to 2012. Dr. Le Moigne received a B.S. and a M.S. in Mathematics, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University Pierre and Marie Curie, France. While her Ph.D. thesis dealt with biomedical imagery, her post-doctoral work at the UMD Computer Vision Lab focused on the development of a visual navigation system for the first DARPA Autonomous Land Vehicle project. At NASA Goddard since 1990, Dr. Le Moigne has performed extensive work in the processing and the analysis of remote sensing data. Her work particularly focuses on image registration, utilizing multiscale representations as well as high-performance and on-board processing. More recent work dealt with creating web-based access to benchmark data for Image Processing education and research ( Currently, Dr. Le Moigne is the PI of a Goddard Internal project focused on Distributed Spacecraft Missions. She has published over 120 publications, including 23 journal papers, holds one patent, and has co-edited a book on “Image Registration for Remote Sensing” published by Cambridge University Press in 2011. She is a NASA Goddard Senior Fellow, an IEEE Senior Member and an ABET Program Evaluator. She was a NATO Science for Peace and Security Committee Panel Member from 2008 to 2011. In 2012, she received the NASA Exceptional Service Medal and the Goddard Information Science and Technology Award.



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