Call for nominations for ACM student chapter officers

UMBC’s ACM student chapter invites nominations from the graduate students in the CSEE department for student officer positions for academic year 2014 – 2015 (Fall 2014 to Spring 2015).

ACM (the Association for Computing Machinery) is a premier organization that promotes computing and technology around the US and the world. On the campus, the ACM student chapter is affiliated and supported by the UMBC graduate students association. The goal of the ACM student chapter is to foster interaction between all students, both graduate and undergraduate, in the CSEE department, provide a forum for student interaction, and opportunities for members to expand their knowledge of computing.

The positions available (and their general responsibilities):

Chair: is responsible for the overall management of the student chapter; Co-ordinate with rest of the student officers in planning events; Represent the student chapter at the GSA meetings.

Vice-Chair: Work with the chair to ensure smooth functioning of the chapter; Represent the student chapter at the GSA meetings in the absence of the chair.

Secretary: Co-ordinate with other student chapter officers for event planning; Point of contact for the student chapter;

Treasurer: Manage the ACM student chapter accounts; annual budget; expenditure during events

These positions are open to graduate students only. If elected, you would be required to signup as an ACM student member. Membership fee is $19 only.

Please email us the position you would like to run for (there will be elections if we get multiple nominations for a position). Alternatively you can nominate any other person for the positions above. In that case, please send their name, email address and which position you would like to nominate them for.

Please send in your nominations by end of day, Monday, April 14, 2014 to acmofficers at lists dot umbc dot edu. Elections will take place the following week (venue, date and time to be announced later).




