Prof. desJardins interviewed in VOA story on Int. Women's Day

UMBC Professor Marie desJardins

CSEE professor Marie desJardins was interviewed for a story, Education Key Theme for International Women’s Day, by the Voice of America on International Women’s Day (March 8).

“If you look at the statistics, well over half of all STEM jobs in the next 10 to 15 years are in computing … yet when people talk about STEM, they tend to think about biology, physics,” said University of Maryland Baltimore County Professor Marie Desjardins who teaches computer science and engineering. “Those are great areas, but those are not where the big job growth is going to be.”

DesJardins also says exposing kids at an early age is key to getting them interested in STEM.

“Let your girls try things that are not typically girly,” she said. “Make sure your kids are getting that from an early age so they think of themselves as creators of technology and new ideas not just following the rules.”

DesJardins says she emphasizes that computer science is really about helping make the world a better place.

Here is the video that accompanied the VIA story.

See Dr. desJardins in the segment from 1:25-2:19




