talk: Pescatore on Understanding Cybersecurity Market Dynamics, 3/4

Understanding Cybersecurity Market Dynamics

John Pescatore
SANS Institute

1:00-3:00 Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Suite 130, bwtech@UMBC, 5520 Research Park Drive, UMBC

There is no single cybersecurity market, and the factors that drive business decisions around security practices and purchases are complex and continually evolving. Based on more than 20 years of experience with cybersecurity technology and startups, this presentation will provide an understanding of the dynamics of the various markets that make up cybersecurity, as well as provide predictions of merging demand areas.

John Pescatore is SANS Director of Emerging Security Trends. He joined SANS in January 2013 after 14 years as Gartner’s lead security analyst. Before coming to Gartner he lead consulting groups at two early Internet security IPOs (Trusted Information Systems and Entrust) and spent 11 years in telecoms and computer security at GTE. He began his career at NSA and the US Secret Service. Follow him as @john_pescatore on Twitter or via his Security Trend Line blog on the SANS website.

Send your RSVP for this event to Allie Gold at BWTech.



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