UMBC places 2nd in PanAm Intercollegiate Chess Championship

UMBC chess director and CSEE Professor Alan Sherman just shared the final results of the 2013 Pan-American Intercollegiate Chess Team Championship which was held over the past four days in Lubbock Texas. UMBC place second after Webster Univ. and ahead of Illinois and Teach Tech.

The top four qualifying schools from the PanAms go on to compete in the Final Four of college chess, held in the spring. The winner is considered national champion and takes home the President’s Cup.

During the championship, UMBC defeated the University of West Indies, the University of Toronto, the University of Texas, Brownsville, Webster University C, and the University of Texas, Dallas A. UMBC’s only loss was to Webster University A, in round three. UMBC Team B won the Division V prize.

The UMBC Chess Team A for the 2013 Pan-Am Championship had the following members.

  • Board 1: GM Niclas “The Dark Knight” Huschenbeth (USCF rating 2610)
  • Board 2: GM Akshayraj “The Indian Knight” Kore (2519)
  • Board 3: M Levan “The Georgian Gangster” Bregadze (2469)
  • Board 4: IM and WGM Nazi “The Black Widow” Paikidze (2378)
  • Alternate: WGM Sabina “Sunshine” Foisor (2315)

See the UMBC Chess web site more information on UMBC’s chess program or contact Dr. Sherman at 410-963-4779 or .



