Google glass: Council of Computing Majors, Noon Mon. 11/4, MP 103



The Council of Computing Majors (CCM) will meet from Noon to 12:45pm on Monday, November 4 in MP 103. The CCM is a student organization representing undergraduate computer science and computer engineering majors and anyone else with an interest in computing. Everyone is welcome.

At next week’s meeting, three computer science graduate students, Prajit Das, Primal Pappachan and Roberto Yus, will demonstrate Google Glass and talk about how they are using it in their research.

Google glass is the latest cool gadget in town. Developed by Google, it is is a wearable computer with a head mounted display. We will talk about the technical capabilities of Google glass as well as about developing apps for it using the Mirror API and the Android Software Development Kit. We will also give a live demo with the device where we will show some apps we developed.



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