2014 Global Game Jam at UMBC, Jan 24-26

For the 6th year in a row, UMBC is the Baltimore host site for the Global Game Jam, which will be held from 5:00pm Friday January 24 to 5:00pm Sunday January 26. Many Global Game Jam sites charge admission. Thanks to the generous support of Next Century, the UMBC site will again be free, meals included. So we can plan appropriately, we do require advance registration.

In a game jam, participants come together to make a video game. Each participant joins a small team at the jam, and over a couple of day period creates a new, unique and creative video game according to the rules of the jam. Game Jams are a great way to meet other developers, beef up your resume, or just learn what it takes to make a game. Teams need designers who can come up with a creative game idea according to the jam constraints, artists, programmers and testers, so there is something to do for participants at all levels of experience.

The Global Game Jam takes place in the same 48 hours all over the world! Last year had more than 300 host sites across the world.  All participants will be constrained by the same theme and set of rules. After the theme is announced, participants will have the chance to brainstorm game ideas and pitch them to other participants to form development teams. After a couple of mad days of game development, all the games are demoed and submitted to the global game jam site.

Even if you don’t participate, you can track the action on twitter by following @globalgamejam and monitoring #ggj14 and #umbcggj, and try out the game submissions after the event is over.




