UMBC Game Developers Club to meet Noon Wed. 9/11

The first meeting of the UMBC Game Developers Club (GDC) will be held at Noon on Wednesday September 11 in Engineering 005a. Potential new members and people curious about the process behind video games are welcome. In the first meeting, club president Paul Tschirgi will review the club purpose, organization and activities and describe the guidelines for the game idea selection process. Information on last year's projects can be found on the GDC project page.

The GDC was originally formed in 2005 with the goal of giving students from varied backgrounds a chance to work together and make games. The GDC accepts members from any major or background, including computer science, digital art, computer modeling, information systems, and music. If you would like to know more about the organization, feel free to visit our forums or come to one of our meetings. Currently, the GDC meets every Wednesday from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in the the GAIM Lab (ENGR 005A). Dates for meeting, workshops and other GDC related events are posted on the GDC Google Calendar.



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