Phd Defense: Dingkai Guo, Mid-Infrared Photonic Integration 6/4

Ph.D. Dissertation Defense

Mid-Infrared Photonic Integration

Dingkai Guo

10:00am Tuesday, 4 June 2013, TRC CASPR conference room

The mid-Infrared (Mid-IR) wavelength range is important for applications including medical and security imaging, environmental trace gas sensing and free space communications. However, photonic integrated circuits (PICs) in the mid-IR range are completely under-developed which significantly slows the reduction of mid-IR system size, weight, and coupling losses and limits the development of highly functional mid-IR photonic modules with lower cost. In this dissertation, a solution to mid-IR photonic integration was demonstrated using a compact widely tunable mid-IR transmitter and a mid-IR amplifying photo-detector, which can be integrated with the mid-IR source.

This integrated widely tunable mid-IR source is fabricated by incorporating super structure grating (SSG) to the mid-IR quantum cascade laser (QCL) waveguide. The emission wavelength of the fabricated SSG-DBR QCL can be well controlled by varying the injection currents to the two grating sections. The wavelength can be tuned from 4.58μm to 4.77μm (90cm-1) with a supermode spacing of 30nm. This SSG-DBR QCL can be a compact replacement for the external cavity QCL used in current mid-IR sensors.

Mid-IR amplification and detection can be achieved using the same material as the mid-IR source. This QCL amplifier has an adjustable bandwidth and tunable gain peak, so it can function as a tunable mid-IR filter. By biasing the QCL just below its threshold, we demonstrated more than 11dB optical gain and over 28dB electrical gain at specified wavelengths. In the electrical gain measurement process, the resonant amplifier also functioned as a detector. This indicates that intersubband-based gain materials are ideal candidates for mid-IR photonic integrations.

Beside the optimized fabrication processes, new characterization technique based on the electrical derivative of the QCL I-V curves is used to quickly acquire the QCL threshold and leakage current, and explore the device carrier transport. The leakage currents present in different QCL waveguide structures are also studied and compared using this technique.

Finally, we report that the telecom wavelengths induced optical quenching effects on mid-IR QCLs when the QCLs are operated well above their threshold. The quenching effect is a result of intersubband bandbending and it depends on the coupled near-IR intensity, wavelength, and the QCL voltage bias. The quenching effects not only can be used for mid-IR QCL optical switching and modulation but also reveal that the mid-IR QCLs can function as “converters” to convert the telecom optical signal into the mid-IR optical signal at the near-IR fiber end.

A coherent mid-IR transceiver with both transmitting and receiving functions can be realized based on each integrated component introduced in this dissertation. This compact transceiver includes an integrated widely tunable mid-IR source, a mid-IR filter, amplifier, and detector based on the same material system.

Committee: Drs. Fow-Sen Choa (Chair), Anthony Johnson, Terrance Worchesky (Physics) , Li Yan, Gymama Slaughter

