Summer Trusted Infrastructure Workshop for graduate students


The Fourth Trusted Infrastructure Workshop (TIW 2013) will be held at Penn State University in University Park, PA from Sunday afternoon, June 2 to Thursday, June 6.

TIW 2013 is a free premier educational meeting for graduate students with a focus on computer systems security research and research that builds on trusted computing foundations. TIW 2013 will consist of lectures and hands-on labs, enabling the students to learn concepts and apply them in practice. Speakers include world-class experts in their respective fields from industry, government, and academia. See the preliminary program for more information.

The workshop is designed for graduate students with a research interest in computer security. Although the workshop is free for students, students must apply to be selected for TIW 2013. Applications received by April 25 will also receive full consideration for travel support. Applications will continue to be received until May 20 based on space and funds. The workshop may have space for a small number of other attendees, but a fee will be required for other attendees.



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