Webinar on Certificate in Cyber Operations training program


UMBC's Training Centers is offering a new Certificate in Cyber Operations that is designed to help move participants from a basic competence with computers and technology up to the level of a competent, entry-level professional as a Cyber Analyst or Operator.

Homer Minnick, the Training Centers' director for Cybersecurity training, will host a free webinar on the certificate program from 12:00-1:00pm on Wednesday March 27, 2013. It will include the following topics.

  • What is the Cybersecurity Academy?
  • Is the Certificate in Cyber Operations right for me?
  • How does the Certificate in Cyber Operations contrast with other certifications from UMBC Training Centers?”
  • What are the education and experience eligibility requirements?
  • Which industry certifications are included in this program?
  • What is the value this certification brings to my organization?
  • How do you apply for the program?
  • What is the next step? Where do I get more information?

    If you are interested in participating, please register online for the free webinar.



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