UMBC backs new National Cyber Security Hall of Fame

UMBC and our Cyber Incubator@bwtech are founding sponsors of the new National Cyber Security Hall of Fame that will induct its first 11 honorees on October 17 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Baltimore.

“The Cyber Security Hall of Fame will represent the mission: “Respect the Past – Protect the Future” and will honor the innovative individuals and organizations which had the vision and leadership to create the foundational building blocks for the Cyber Security Industry,” explains the website.

Out of 200 nominations, the Hall of Fame’s board of advisors chose 11 inductees–individuals who “collectively invented the technologies, created awareness, promoted and delivered education, developed and influenced policy and created businesses to begin addressing the cybersecurity problem,” says a press release.

The inductees include: Dorothy Denning, Professor, Department of Defense Analysis, Naval Postgraduate School; Carl Landwehr, Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine; Peter Neumann, Ph.D., Principal Scientist, SRI International; Roger Schell, President, ÆSec; Whitfield Diffie, Martin Hellman and Ralph Merkle, Inventors, Public Key Cryptograph; and, Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adelman, Inventors, RSA Algorithm. F. Lynn McNulty, a Federal Information Systems Security Pioneer was named to the 2012 class posthumously.              





